Some Special Moments at the Inn
Craig and Giselle were guests in July. The following March, Craig and Giselle returned for Giselle’s birthday and a proposal of marriage. She said YES!!! We were blessed to have this very special occasion happen at our inn. Good luck Craig and Giselle. Keep us posted on upcoming events!
Update: They are now an old married couple!!
March 18, 2011 looks like a winter wonderland driving down Kokopelli Inn’s driveway.
Our first little hummer arrived today, May 5th. They’re back!!!!!
The red fox stopped by today, too.
A butterfly stops to rest on a hanging basket
Spring and Summer bring beautiful flowers to the Kokopelli
In September, our very special returning guests from Indianapolis, Hank and Vickie, renewed their vows for their 15th wedding anniversary. Rose Red Elk performed a traditional Native American ceremony. It was our honor to be included in the very special ceremony.
Now we will feel no rain For each of us will be shelter for the other Now we will feel no cold For each of us will be warmth to the other Now we are two persons But there is only one left before us Let us go now to enter the day of our life together
Rose Red Elk is an internationally known star and award winning Native American storyteller, singer, songwriter and is a member of the Sioux/Assiniboine tribes.
One of our guests from Boulder took this picture of the Milkey Way from our hill at night. Talk about beautiful!.